FBB, Figure and Fitness International & Arnold Amateur 2009

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    ”How lean do I look” – photo by Belle Turell! ;) 3 weeks out..


    HDPhysiques intervjuade Erin Riley..

    [http://hdphysiques.blogspot.com/2009/02/exclusive-interview-with-erin-riley.html LINK]

    Sounds good..

    HDP: How are you going along with Arnold preparations?
    Erin: Things are coming along very well. I am once again doing things differently for this prep than I have in the past, with regards to training. I am the type of athlete that gets bored if I have to do the same thing over and over again, and I don’t feel challenged (must be the gymnast in me). I like to be excited for my workouts, to do new things and to feel like I am really accomplishing something every time I train. I refuse to do the pink dumbbell circuits or nothing but cardio. It’s just not fun that way! For this prep, I have been training with a group of strongman competitors a few times per week at Body Goals ([www.bodygoals.com]). We do a lot of power lifting-style training, and typical lifts include dead lifts, bench press, over head press/push press and squats. We also do a lot of conditioning type exercises involving chains and tires and sledge hammers and whatnot. It has really been so much fun, and I LOVE training like this. My strength has actually increased dramatically throughout this prep, even while dieting. It’s amazing and the results have been awesome!

    HDP: What improvements have you made to your physique and routine as you get ready for your Arnold debut?
    Erin: I actually feel like my proportions are more balanced this year than ever in the past. I have kept my shoulders full and round, and have managed to add more roundness to my hips/glutes. This makes me look more balanced, and not as straight up and down in my hips/legs. Believe it or not, the style of training I have been doing has brought my waistline in (rather than make it “thicker,” which is a typical misconception associated with this style of training). Having to use my core for stability on all of these lifts has really tightened up my waistline. As for my routine, well, I’m actually bringing something a bit different for this show. It’s definitely the most fun routine I’ve had so far, and also the most challenging to perform. As usual, I have no “theme,” just some really cool music and some great tricks to get the crowd going! It’s still got that hardcore TigerEyes style, but I am changing it up a little bit. I’m really excited to perform this routine at the Arnold!


    Oksana igår…

    Anne wrote:
    Oksana igår…

    Finfina bilder Anne, särskild bild nummer tre: :worship:


    Jah, Oksana är underbar!

    Erin Riley träning 4 veckor innan Fitness International – aaah, vilket coolt gym! and I dig Erin!




    Ah, Belle Turell 10 days out.. originally in [http://www.siouxcountry.com/showthread.php?p=178032#post178032 Siouxcountry.com].


    Nina Loos 2 weeks out..
    [http://www.bodyresource.nl/forum/personal-logs/20609-nina-s-road-arnold-classics-7.html http://www.bodyresource.nl][/b]


    Elena Shportun is READY! Blir en intressant MW klass i damernas amateur byggning … Elena, Salla, Jo..


    Talking about Jo…. she was in NZ national news a few days ago!



    Jo Stewart – ett par nya bilder [http://www.muscle-xpo.co.nz/All_About_Me/2009%20the%20beginning/The%20start%20of%202009.html i hennes blogg].


    Salla Kauranen update..


    Nina Loos – figure girl from Netherlands – 1 week out..


    Watch THIS! Belle Turell in news.. (some commercials in the beginning..wait..wait)



    Salla is there – ready to beat Elena ;)

    Ett par nya bilder , dock lite suddiga – tagna med cell phone – [http://www.hardcoreteam.com/?x103997=128904 HÄR].


    Figure förbedömning idag! wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie ! I am thrilled! Kl 7pm = 1.00 i sverige. Tror att de startar med class A, i så fall Marina är på scenen närmare på morgonen i vår tid.

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