FBB, Figure and Fitness International & Arnold Amateur 2009

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  • #664912

    SÅ SYND men Adela Garcia withdraws! Skulle varit så intressant o se henne i Figure lineup!

    Salla idag..


    Amateur figure comparison photos are up in MD.

    Verkar vara att Marina var i 2nd or 3rd call out? men i alla fall, i samma med Yulia Zabelina, VM 3, VM1 i 2007. Looking good, girl! Synd bara att USA har so fucking idiot judging criteria. All the European top competitors were like in 4th or 5th call outs!!!

    [http://www.musculardevelopment.com/browse/index.php?mode=viewphotos&divisioncode=1271&comparisons=yes&classcode=7433 Photos of Marinas’ class ]

    Photos of other classes [http://www.musculardevelopment.com/browse/index.php?mode=viewphotos&divisioncode=1271&comparisons=yes LINK]


    Belle Turell, Oksana Grishina och Dena Westerfield igår – bilder by RXmuscle.com



    Miriam Sanchez – VM 2. nu i det sista call out!


    Some prejudging photos now up in Polish MD website (links: )

    [http://www.musculardevelopment.pl/component/option,com_rsgallery2/Itemid,/catid,279/ Fitness free routine round]

    [http://www.musculardevelopment.pl/component/option,com_rsgallery2/Itemid,/catid,280/ Figure class A]

    [http://www.musculardevelopment.pl/component/option,com_rsgallery2/Itemid,/catid,281/ Figure Class B]

    [http://www.musculardevelopment.pl/component/option,com_rsgallery2/Itemid,/catid,282/ Figure Class C]

    [http://www.musculardevelopment.pl/component/option,com_rsgallery2/Itemid,/catid,283/ Figure Class D]


    Vanliga tjejer från gatan- klass var med för första gången. LET ME LAUGH.
    Vad fan har detta göra med bodybuilding,fitness o figure?


    Amateur figure & ftness prejudging photos är nu online i

    [http://www.eastlabs.biz/gallery/219 Eastlabs.biz]

    Damn, not a single photo of Marina :(

    Agata Radziwoniuk – Yulia Zabelina


    Vad h****** händer det i USA????! This judging makes no sense. All they say is that ”figure is not all about size and conditioning”. No it is not. But they dont even look things like balance, frames, lines, proportions. All they do is they look those who have a bit muscles and are in good shape and put them in last call out and low placings. And look at the top! FAT, unmuscled, unbalanced, awful chicks..

    Marina, om du läser detta. FUCK THE STATES. Du var i super bra form, du såg jättebra ut, bättre än i VM, och att vara i samma call out med Yulia Zabelina , 2007 VM o EM over all vinnaren , berättar ju ngt. Det är bara att fortsätta, satsa på EM o VM :up:

    En bild på sista call out i Marinas klass och den första call out…. ???!!!!!


    Anne hur går de för Kristina Dybdahl?? blev hon också nerdömd?? hon skulle ju vara med


    Kristina var typ i femte call out, gick inte till final. Dock måste jag medge att Kristina var på gränsen OK hård/för hård i figure (gluts var nästan BB-hård), till o med här i Europa. Men mina figure ögon uppskattar att man är i bra form. Ja, hon blev nerdömd.. tyvärr.

    Anne wrote:
    Vad h****** händer det i USA????! This judging makes no sense.

    En bild på sista call out i Marinas klass och den första call out…. ???!!!!!

    Fetast vinner…märkligt.


    Pro figure / fitness / FBB förbedömning startar om en halv timme.

    Jen Hendershott verkar vara redo!

    update by bodysport / Terry Goodlad


    Shit va hård Kristina é…

    Oavsett hur det döms, så är det Marinas bästa form någonsin.. tycker jag i alla fall!


    För alla som är intresserade råder jag till att gå in på [http://marina.bodynytt.se/] och titta på de bilderna.
    Jag säger bara WOW detta är absolut den bästa form Marina
    någonsin uppvisat och jag är otroligt stolt över min vän Marinas
    prestation. Oavsett placering ett stort grattis från fam Johansson/Kylling


    Ms, Fitness and Figure prejudging photos – both individual and comparisons, are now up in [http://www.musculardevelopment.com/browse/index.php?mode=contest&eventcode=1303 MD.com].

    What can I say? Figure girls simply does not impress. No quality in physiques. Gina is OK, but otherwise. aa. Anyway probably Gina, Zivile and Amy Fry in top 3. To be honest, Monica looks good to me, but again, she does not get top call outs. Really loosing my interest on figure. Then fitness, Oksana seems to be once again remarkable overlooked in physique rounds. Jen looks good as always, she has that quality and conditon I wanna see. Greenwood and Palmer both in TOP 3 in physique rounds but in my opinion they are not at their best. Tina Durkin seems to be a little surprise in physique but Erin Riley, who actually was one of my faves, is a big disappoinment.

    In FBB, looks like Iris is once again simply unbeaten. Then Yaxeni, Dayana and Debi Laszweski in the mix. I am happy to be wrong when I said that Debi L is out, she looks actually stunning. After these girls, probaby Heather Armbrust taking the last final place. Heather is back after Olympia disaster, not yet off the hook, but good again. Love her quads!

    Kyle – Armbrust – Laszewski

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