FBB, Figure and Fitness International & Arnold Amateur 2009

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  • #664957

    Still some photos of female’s pro events in..

    [http://www.extremefitness.com/gallery/index.php/cat/3103 Extremefitness.com]

    Erins fysik var en stor besvikelse. Och såna fel hon gjorde med bikini val – borde aldrig göras i PRO nivå..



    Lite PRO bilder till i Femalemuscle.com:

    [http://www.femalemuscle.com/arnold_classic_2009/arnold_classic_2009_friday_part2/index21.shtml FBB]

    [http://www.femalemuscle.com/arnold_classic_2009/arnold_classic_2009_friday_part2/index.shtml Fitness]

    [http://www.femalemuscle.com/arnold_classic_2009/arnold_classic_2009_friday_part1/index9.shtml Figure]

    Anne wrote:
    Hell yeah, everyone can step on stage in Sweden too. But in my opinion the best girls on stage are not supposed to be punished that they look like athletes, just to get more competitors. For god shake, this is a competitive sport, and should have nothing to do with ”hey, everyone! every girl from street, come and compete, we can eat shit and not train and still compete”- attitude.

    As I said before, yes, there need to be limit in hardness and i think that is no-shredded gluts. But still, soft is too soft. And skinny is too skinny.

    Life is not fair. Some cannot ever get conditioned look. Some have awful H-frames, some has wider waist than shoulders. Some can get muscles more easily and some cannot no matter how hard they work. It is rude, but so it is in every single sport. If you dont fit in criteria, you still can compete, take low placements or try some other sports. Thats how it is in every sport. If you run 100m in 15 secs, they dont put limit – hey guys, dont run under 10 secs, that the slow-guys can have some possibilities to participate too.

    Imo in sweden, its perfect. Look at the top girls , noone was too hard. Mostly they look like athletes – exactly what this should be – FIGURE – ATHLETES.

    Kunde inte sagt det bättre själv! :up:


    Ruth Silverman täcker dambodybuilding, fitness och figure åt amerikanska [http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/ Iron Man Magazine]. Följande postades nyss på [http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/ruth hennes blogg hos Iron Man Magazine]:

    [img=http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/ruth/wp-content/uploads/ac09_2821wb-225×300.jpg]Here’s my interview with Iris Kyle on the morning after she won her fourth Ms. International title.

    [http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/ruth/?p=427 Lyssna till hela intervjun här…]

    [img=http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/ruth/wp-content/uploads/ac09_2798wb-225×300.jpg]Zivile Raudoniene was absolutely bubbling when I caught up with her after her victory at the ’09 Figure International. The former Lithuanian fitness star beat defending champ Gina Aliotti by two points.

    She posed for this shot right before the finals, with her fingers crossed.

    [http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/ruth/?p=448 Lyssna på hela intervjun (och hur man uttalar Ziviles namn) här…]

    [img=http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/ruth/wp-content/uploads/824rb09311-200×300.jpg]Speaking of bubbling (see the entry below), here’s what Julie Palmer had to say after taking second to Jen Hendershott at the ’09 Fitness International. It was Julie’s best ever finish at the prestigious event—and her best ever performance in the routine round.

    [http://www.ironmanmagazine.com/blogs/ruth/?p=468 Lyssna till intervjun här…]


    [http://www.fitgemsnation.net/ FitGems Nation] är en samlande webbplats för de nyheter som berör kvinnlig fysik för tävlande, fans och alla andra involverade i industrin. På [http://fitgems.blogspot.com/ deras blogg] postades precis följande:

    Jenny Hendershott was on a personal agenda…to do something she hasn’t done since 2005: win the Fitness International. With her coming fresh off her 2008 Fitness Olympia victory, as well as Adela and Kim not competing, Jenny was the frontrunner to take it home. She did not disappoint, as she won this year’s event with ease.

    Julie Palmer went on to finish at an all-time best, as she placed in the runner-up position. Tracey Greenwood, who was thought to be Jen Hen’s biggest competition, ended up in third place. She was neck and neck with Jenny in terms of physique, but her routine might have been the difference maker for Tracey. Regaine proved that 2008 was no fluke, as she moved up from sixth place last year to fourth place this year, making her an even bigger contender for the Arnold and Olympia titles.

    Perhaps the biggest winner besides the champion herself would have to go to Tina Durkin, who finished fifth after having back surgery, which kept her out for the 2008 season. I saw the webcast and she was beside herself when she heard her name announced. For her, it was like winning the event. Rounding out the top six and the Olympia qualifications was Shannon Meteraud, who will be looking to return to the Fitness Olympia for the first time in quite some time.

    [http://fitgems.blogspot.com/2009/03/my-2009-fitness-international-review.html Läs hela inlägget i dess orginalformat här…]


    Jennifer Hendershot och Ziville Raudoniene kommer att vara med på RXMuscles radioprogram MUSCLE GIRLS INC. på tisdag:

    2009 Ms Figure International winner, Ziville Raudoniene changes the face of her sport with a sexy, sleek, marketable look. Find out how her 4 hour daily workouts made her the best in the business. Also, what’s next for the Lithuanian beauty? Ziville talks about rumors surrounding her possible switch to Bikini.

    2x Ms Fitness International and 2x Ms. Fitness Olympia Champ Jennifer Hendershot known for her Phat Camps and outrageous fitness routines will be talking with us about why she almost quit the sport she loves.

    MUSCLE GIRLS INC. airs on TUESDAY, March 10, 2009 at 7 PM EST/4 PM PST. Just go to [www.RXMUSCLE.com] and click on the MUSCLE GIRLS INC. page of the website or simply click on the following link to join the party:


    On-Demand Replays and Podcasts will be available 24/7 a few hours after the show for your convenience.


    Ou, isn’t she loveable..?!



    Över 2000 bilder på damernas figure,fitness o FBB, pro & am online i



    Shake your quad, babe!

    Armbrust ..


    Femuscle.org amateur galleries online

    [http://www.femuscle.org/galleries/09arnold/Untitled-3.htm CLICK! ]


    Gänget bakom Bodybuilding.com [http://blog.bodybuilding.com/ArnoldBlog gruppbloggar om Arnold Sports Festival].


    Gänget bakom Bodybuilding.com [http://blog.bodybuilding.com/ArnoldBlog gruppbloggar om Arnold Sports Festival].

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