2013 firar Arnold Classic 25-årsjubileum – Arnold och Jim minns tillbaks

Tillsammans med Arnold Schwarzenegger har Jim Lorimer arrangerat Arnold Classic sedan 1989. Tävlingen har växt till en massiv multieventhelg vid namn Arnold Sports Festival – med flera tusen fler TÄVLANDE än till exempel Fitnessfestivalen har BESÖKARE. I videoklippen nedan får vi en tillbakablick och historielektion kring den näst främsta bodybuildingtävlingen, Arnold Classic, av tävlingens grundare.

Förutom att Arnold Classic Europe återigen arrangeras i Madrid den 11-14 oktober 2012 så kommer eventet även till Sydamerika; Arnold Classic Brasil gör sin debut i Rio de Janeiro 10-12 maj 2013.

Utställarytan på Arnold Classic Europe har expanderat 300 % från fjolårets debut. Mängder med atleter tävlar i 20 olika sporter, för BODY.se-besökarna är nog IFBB:s stora amatör- samt proffstävlingar det mest intressanta. IFBB-proffsen tävlar i Bodybuilding (herrar) samt Fitness och Figure (damer). Läs mer om Arnold Classic Europe på arnoldclassiceurope.com.

Under ACE kommer det första VM:et i Athletic Fitness arrangeras – med nio svenskar nominerade till landslaget!

HD: Elittränade Jenny vill inte visa sig för mycket

Hon äter ensam i lärarrummet, men ska snart ut i strålkastarljuset och spänna sig i en bikini. Jenny Wärn är pedagogen som aspirerar på världsmästartiteln i athletic fitness.

En av nyheterna på amatörsidan är tävlingarna i Women’s Physique och Men’s Athletic Physique (du vet, där killarna tävlar i surfshorts…). Reglerna för Physique återfinns hos IFBB.com på engelska:

The Men’s Athletic Physique category is aimed at men who prefer to develop a less muscular, yet athletic and aesthetically pleasing physique.

The Women’s Physique category, which is aimed at women who prefer to develop a less muscular, yet athletic and aesthetically pleasing physique, unlike today’s current bodybuilders.

Först och allra mest kärt dem bägge är dock eventet i Columbus, Ohio, USA vilket firar 25-årsjubileum 2013:

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Arnold Sports Festival Celebrates 25th Anniversary in 2013

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Arnold Sports Festival and the world-renowned Arnold Classic will celebrate its 25th Anniversary when the fitness celebration is held Feb. 28-March 3 in Columbus, Ohio.

The Arnold Sports Festival will again attract 175,000 sports and fitness fans to watch 18,000 athletes compete in more than 45 sports and events, including 12 Olympic events.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jim Lorimer have co-produced the Weekend since 1989, when it debuted as a one-day bodybuilding competition known as the Arnold Classic. The Arnold Sports Festival has steadily grown over the years to where it is now a four-day festival that features a variety of sports. Included are professional and amateur bodybuilding competitions, weightlifting, powerlifting and Strongman as well as a complete lineup of youth sports that include gymnastics, cheerleading and dance, fencing, martial arts and many others.

The Arnold Fitness EXPO will again feature 700 booths of the latest in sports equipment, apparel and nutrition and a stage that hosts unique, non-stop competitions and entertainment that combine to make the Arnold Fitness EXPO a leading highlight of the Arnold Sports Festival. The EXPO is open March 1-3.

Among the new events in 2013 are the Arnold Scottish Highland Games, which will feature top professionals in events such as Tossing the Caber, Putting the Stone and Throwing the Hammer. Scottish Music and Highland Dancing will also be featured. The event will be held March 3 at the Columbus Commons.

Olympic sports in which youth compete and Olympians and hopefuls appear include archery, boxing, fencing, gymnastics, judo, running, table tennis, tae kwon do, track & field, weightlifting and wrestling.

Arnold Sports Festival
Dates: Feb. 28-March 3, 2013.
Locations: Greater Columbus Convention Center (400 N. High St.), Veterans Memorial (300 W. Broad St.), Lifestyle Communities Pavilion (405 Neil Ave.), Columbus Commons (160 S. High St.) Hilton Columbus Downtown (401 N. High St.), The Ohio State University French Field House (460 Woody Hayes Dr), Jerome Schottenstein Center (555 Borror Dr.) and Hyatt Regency Columbus (350 N. High St.).

Hours: Thursday 6-11 p.m.; Friday-Saturday 8 a.m.-10 p.m.; Sunday 8 a.m.-6 p.m.

EXPO hours: Friday 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Admission: A daily EXPO ticket ($10 in advance plus service charges, $15 at door) includes admission to most events and the Arnold Fitness EXPO. Professional and amateur bodybuilding events and the Arnold Champions & Legends Sunday Morning Showcase at the Hilton Columbus Downtown, the Amateur MMA Festival and the Arnold Party With The Pros at Lifestyle Communities Pavilion require a separate ticket. Arnold VIP Ticket Packages are available for $600 & $350 and include a variety of exclusive benefits and premium seating to many events.

Web: www.arnoldsportsfestival.com

Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com/arnold or 800-745-3000.

For photographs or further information contact Matt Lorz, at 614-443-1877, or mattlorz@rrcol.com.