What a day!

I need to say something social network worldwide. To the ones that follow my training journey. Today I experienced what I never, EVER had experienced in my life. I thought that what I always had done at the gym was training. Ha. Yea right.

We trained legs and glutes in ways I never realized I could. Never in my life did I ever feel like crying on a training set and literally QUIT my fitness life! And that was just a warm up, according to Fredrik. I literally yelled FML! But with a new meaning: FML was F MY LEGS!

Competition training is a total new world. Hands down and respect to all! And also to those don't compete yet train HARDCORE!
But after this day I must say the best part of my day (pinnacle of the day more like) was learning my bikini fitness poses from the one and only Alex Danielsson! Good times with the boss!

TALANGJAKTEN 2013? Let the games begin. HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!

#betterbodies #talangjakten2013 #ironsports #ultimatenutrition #nanox #swedisfitness
