The Next Level…

BeFunky_gym2 004.jpg.jpg #bodymagazine #bodymag #ironsport #betterbodies #bikinifitness #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition #gasp #nanox #nanoxnutraceuticals #fitchic #ilovemybody

The fitness competition I performed was just for the fun of it. It looked fun and also wanted to get rid of my stage fright. I started working out since I moved to Sweden at Ironsport gym. And Ironsport gym is "the gym to go to," according to my husband. I remembered asking him why and he said "This is the gym where all the professionals come and train to compete in competitions. They prepare, pose and even get sprayed tan here." And yea sure enough, I started seeing many of the competitors train here. I started seeing the fitness world right in front of me. So I got curious, got asked to participate and added it to my bucket list in life! I said to myself "Why not!"

And its been about a month and a half now since then. Many, many have asked me"Whens your next competition?" All I can say is "I don't know…" And honestly I really don't know. Many think that just because I was slim, this was easy for me. Ugh? Then you know nothing about the fitness world. Get a taste of it and get back to me. It took lots of DISCIPLINE, CONFIDENCE and DEDICATION from my part. It was hard maintaining those 2 together when you're use to having a social life and a family to take care of. A lacked a bit on those. It frustrated me. It made me really sad. I felt a very alone. And its because all you do is focus on yourself, on your training, and your SPECIAL diet. You have no time for anything or anyone. Did I mention the last 2 weeks out of my competition I started my new job? I worked 12-15 hr shifts everyday (we were opening up Allstar Restaurant downtown) My last day of work was 2 days from my competition. It was the most strenuous weeks of my life. And many don't know that.

I didn't just pick up a 4kl dumbell and the muscles came out and fat disappeared. I started my days between 5 to 6 in the morning everyday. I trained everyday twice at the gym, I was working 12-15hr shirfts EVERYDAY, preparing a week of food, and trying to take care of my family and going to bed after 12 at night.

Exactly a couple weeks after my competition, I felt "absolute exhaustion." I felt a bit like "Well whats next now?" "Where do I go from here?" "Why am I even working out now?" Then it hit me. It made me more happy, I felt more confident, I felt more sexier, and more energetic. I wanted to continue feeling that way. So this inspired me and have now decided to take the NEXT LEVEL.

Whats my NEXT LEVEL? To do my black and white photo shoot. To have lots of FUN this year with my sponsors and maybe maybe I'll see you guys in a future competition =D (I'm way too shy and don't have that natural sexy posing! LOL!) Oh yes and most importantly, to continue staying fit and healthy!!!