Now this is a TEAM!

Now this is a TEAM!
Frida and I ended our night in the best way possible: training session! Good night from Germany!
#fitnesslifestylegym #fibo #fibo2014 #bodymagazine #bodymag #betterbodies #teambetterbodies
#betterbodieslifestyle #lifestyle #bikinifitness #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition #gasp #nanox #nanoxnutraceuticals #fitchic #ilovemybody #ironsport
@officialbetterbodies @fridabalefalk
Earlier today Antonia and I wearing one of our favorite shirts at the expo today! I'm not planning to wear this shirt at the gym only. This shirt is awesome! I love my BB shirt! Love how I can causal wear it! Don't forget to stop by our Better Bodies booth and check out all our hot selling items!!! More pics later guys!
#athletetshirt #fibo #fibo2014 #bodymagazine #bodymag #betterbodies #teambetterbodies
#betterbodieslifestyle #lifestyle #bikinifitness #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition #gasp #nanox #nanoxnutraceuticals #fitchic #ilovemybody #ironsport
Early morning workouts are a great start of the day. It kick-starts my body and I feel clear in my head and full of energy for hours afterwards. Additionally, it feels like I get a head start on everyone else who is still at home and asleep. Today was whole upper body training – what a shock start of the morning!
Next destination: The FIBO event in Germany.
With busy work schedules, school schedules, kids activities, we say to ourselves, "How do I have time to workout, I am very active, I work a full time job, raising my kids, coaching and volunteering where do I have time?"
Did you know most people have between 15 and 18 hours per day to complete tasks such as work, school, commuting, etc.
Recent studies also show that people spend an average of 4-6 hours glued to electronics. Don't become part of this statistic, use your time wisely.
With simple modifications you too can have time to work out and become fit. A few suggestions from me and my husband…
1. let the phone ring, that's why they have VOICEMAIL!
2. At night plan your next day and be sure to schedule time for you! Write down your daily "to do list"
3. Keep your workouts short and intense to get the most out of them in the least amount of time. You DONT need to be in the gym for HOURS.
4. HIIT. High Intensity Interval Training, this is proven to be a very effective way to torch that unwanted fat in the least amount of time. TRY IT! NO JOKE! Even if its 30 mins. Its more effective than an hr!
5. Circuit training: train many different muscles in a single work out with very little rest between exercises and sets. For example: squats, bench press, curl, shoulder press, bent over rows, tricep extensions, and planks. Then repeat 2-3 times and in 20 minutes or less you have had a kick ass work out in a very short time.
As always, I am here with my posts to help you achieve your goals in the shortest and most effective way possible! Don't hesitate to ask for assistance to ANYONE around you, even the most experienced athletes have trainers and coaches…
After my flu incident and inability to communicate with EARTH, we headed on the another planet to regain consciousness! LOL! We headed on to Plantet Fitness. Did an all over body workout to kick start my body. Had Chris help me on a couple sets here and there. Although my body feeling absent of 1 week off training, I had great grip on all of my different sets that I did. I really ADORE my gloves! They were really there for me. I felt like loosing grip many times throughout my sets but I held on and completed my set.
I think its highly important to get GOOD quality gloves for great grips on your exercises. I don't only think they're great gloves when I'm feeling weak but I don't want any calluses or any ugly bumps, you know? I want and STILL have my hands as feminine as they can be. I'm a classy lady and would like to keep my hands as soft as a babys butt! #thankgoodnessformybbgymgloves
#bbgymgloves #bodymagazine #bodymag #betterbodies #teambetterbodies #betterbodiesliveitfeelittrustit #betterbodieslifestyle #lifestyle #bikinifitness #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition #gasp #nanox #nanoxnutraceuticals #fitchic #ilovemybody Official Better Bodies
Of course it's HARD.
It's supposed to be HARD.
If it were easy,
everybody would do it.
HARD is what makes it great…
Beautiful morning isn't!!! I wish you all a great day!
@officialbetterbodies #bbgymcap #betterbodieslifestyle #betterbodies #betterbodiesliveitfeelittrustit
Spring is finally here and It's so nice to wake up with the morning sun shining through the windows. Let me tell you this: for a Californian girl like me it's not easy to live in such a dark country like Sweden with an almost endless winter season. But hey, now the fun season starts…!
So today I had that 100% focus and intensity in the gym. What an awesome feeling it is! I would say that it's never really the physical pain but the mental that tries to stop you. You are what you think and the body does what the mind says. It's important to make the mind strong and powerful to be effective and achieve your goals. Mental programming is the key source to feel energetic both during the day and in the gym. Genuine, pure mental strength is what gives comfort and strength to carry things through in everyday life.