Arm day was great today! Tried a new tricep move from Coach Fredrik! Its always great to trick the body when you try new exercising methods! It confuses the muscle and progress rips out through your skin!!!
#talangjakten2013 #ironsport #betterbodies #bikinifitness #luciapokalen #luciapokalen2013 #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition #nanoxnutraceuticals #gasp #nanox
For video go to #swedishfitnessista
How about 5hrs of sleep this time. From 0300-0800 =/ Not cool…
However, its been a day of accomplishments! Had an early meeting with Coach Fredrik based on my monthly report and results are a PROGRESS! And seeing a smile on my coach makes me HAPPY! My new diet, lets just say, I can't complain. Loving the food choices I'm having to be on!
Also my training went great! After doing Hamstrings I did HIIT on the bike for fat burning purposes (THANKS TO THE HORSEPOWER X!) and boy did I sweat!
And lastly the excitement when a girl opens up her package from the post office from BETTER BODIES? <3 The stack keeps getting BIGGER!
Just a lovely day =)
#talangjakten2013 #ironsport #betterbodies #bikinifitness#luciapokalen #luciapokalen2013 #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition#nanoxnutraceuticals #gasp #nanox — at Ironsport Club
(swollen eyes =/ ugh!)
Hey there guys! Its beautiful October here in Sweden. The trees look so beautiful! Powerwalks are being enjoyed much more!
New things in October:
* I have inputed a little more training into my training days. My training will be a bit more intense! Yikes! But determined!
* A NEW diet has been replaced to me by Coach Fredrik.
* Lets not forget our new Body Magazine is out. So don't forget to get your copy!
* New gym wear as well! That's always exciting! Especially when its PINK!
* New supplements have arrived. Along with a new PRE WORKOUT drink that will having you feeling from a PONY to a HORSE at the gym! LOL! Horses have a lot of POWER!!! Its a muscle lifiting EXPLOSION!
* Coming soon will be my competition shoes and my competition bikíni in the making!
And exciting month for me indeed!!!
[i][b]#talangjakten2013 #ironsport #betterbodies #bikinifitness#luciapokalen #luciapokalen2013 #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition#nanoxnutraceuticals #gasp #nanox[/b][/i]
I had a great workout today! And it feels great when a former competitor points out to you that you did good! Made my day 🙂 Of course this picture was taken before the after math =P
#talangjakten2013 #ironsport #betterbodies #bikinifitness#luciapokalen #luciapokalen2013 #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition#nanoxnutraceuticals #gasp #nanox — at Ironsport Club
I would like to take some time and wish the best of luck to ALL the competitors this weekend at SM Fest!
You've guys made it! Today is the day to walk the walk! To show the dedication, the determination and the devotion you have put in these past months.
It didn't happen over night. It took months of intense dedication to get you where you're at now. PERSISTENCE and DETERMINATION was the KEY to this.
Therefore, regardless of your individual placings, EVERYONES a winner, in regards to the hardcore work you put your body through.
And know this: you accomplished a goal for yourself! And that's what counts.
You can stand proud and say "I did it!" "The only one who can beat you is you" (Michael Jordan).
May ALL the POWER, CONFIDENCE, and FOCUS be with you!
So gentlemen go on… And ROCK THAT STAGE!!! (Fist pump!)
And for ALL the ladies, SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND! (Wink!)
As for me, I'm only half way there…
Much love,
Adriana Andersson
#talangjakten2013 #ironsport #betterbodies #bikinifitness #luciapokalen #luciapokalen2013 #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition #nanoxnutraceuticals #gasp #nanox
"Gold medals aren't really made of gold. They're made of sweat, determination and a hard-to-find alloy called guts."
– Dan Gable
4th day back in Sweden. This jet lag is KILLING me SOFTLY! This morning I forced myself out of bed. Did not wake up feeling motivated at all to workout. With only 4hrs of sleep I managed to get through the day and complete my workout, thanks to my fabulous HORSE POWER X pre-workout drink! Much needed on these days!
#talangjakten2013 #ironsport #betterbodies #bikinifitness #luciapokalen #luciapokalen2013 #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition #nanoxnutraceuticals #gasp #nanox
Come on! Get your FLEX on!
#talangjakten2013 #ironsport #betterbodies #bikinifitness #luciapokalen #luciapokalen2013 #swedishfitness #swedishfitnessista #ultimatenutrition #nanoxnutraceuticals #gasp #nanox
When I work out in the gym, I 'm very keen on having a good muscle-mind connection. I want to squeeze and pinch the muscles in every rep and not just think of lifting the weight up and down.
Each repetition should be counted, so I have developed an uncompromising mind-muscle contact which focuses on carving, etching and hammering out details on my body, using the weights as my tools.
Anytime I feel bad or tired I try to remind me that there seems to be two kinds of people in the world: those who talk about what to do and those who do what they are talking about. I sure would rather belong to the latter category. I have therefore decided that the goals I set out for myself must be completed, regardless of the obstacles that may arise along the way. I'm convinced that an uncompromising attitude is what makes a person a winner in the long run. But hey, who says you can't have some fun along the way…!?
Have a nice weekend every one…!
– Adriana –